


OrthoStudio is the orthodontic part of the Maestro 3D Dental Studio and is a software based on a totally proprietary technology and is a complete tool both for the realization of orthodontic jobs:

OrthoStudio: digital orthodontics platform


  • Basic Module
    reduced the startup time of the software;
    introduced the possibility to make a snapshot and copy to clipboard;
    added the parts tree to display / hide faster the parts of the scene;
    introduced the possibility to import the maxillary and mandibular bones;
    added 4D motion functionality. It can import and view files from devices that track the maxillary and mandibular movements;
    new exporter with new options for the viewer;
    added sections along the ideal arc line;
    introduced the possibility to dynamically change the virtual models during sections;
    introduced the possibility to dynamically change the virtual models during occlusal inspection;
    added the display of distances, intersections and distance-intersections during occlusal inspection;
    improved the workflow of virtual bases;
    improved the interaction with the cutting lines;
    added the possibility to import maxillary and mandibular models from CBCT (cone beam computed tomography);
    added the multiple choice resolution in the video recorder;
    improved the video recording;
    added new 3D comparison function to evaluate the progress of treatment;
    added grid scale visible and adjustable;
    added new languages;
  • Virtual Setup module
    added the option to combine the real roots coming from CBCT machines with the scanned arch;
    added the option to add, remove and modify attachments / brackets / labels in any layer;
    added the option to change position of attachments / brackets editing the associated numerical labels;
    added the visualization of distances / intersections for the occlusal direction only, for mesio-distal direction or both;
    improved the automatic computation of the lingual and occlusal axes for each tooth;
    added the option to perform one or more consecutive IPR with the same tooth or tooth pair;
    IPR restores the position of the teeth when the teeth are not in the initial position of the current setup;
    added in the tooth context menu an option to cancel all the IPR related to a given tooth( it is possible for any layer);
    added the option to instert positive / negative attachments;
    added the option to insert positive / negative labels;
  • Brackets module
    added the option to insert brackets with jig;
    added the option to handle several bracket types for the same tooth;
    added positioning techniques for the brackets, (Step, Roth, Wick Alexander, Dwight Damon, MBT, Andrews, ...)
  • Models Builder
    introduced the possibility to handle the configurations for the creation of virtual models;
    reduced the computation time of the rotation and translation constraints during the generation of the virtual models;
    improved numerical stability during the calculation of the rotation and translation constraints;
    new exporter with new options for the virtual models;
    added the option to export along the Z axis the models to be printed;
    added the option to export the original reference system, useful to superimpose 3D data with CBCT images without the need to align, (the treatment checking);
    added the option to export the virtual models in STL / PLY / ZIP-STL / ZIP-PLY;
    added the option to export the virtual models with all the geometrical components connected in a single mesh to simplify the printing process;
  • PDF3D module
    added the 3D models in occlusion;
  • Clear Aligner module
    reduced computation time of clear aligner;
    added a tool to create brackets template, (brackets tray);
    added a tool to create jig template, (transfer-bite);